Written by Niik and Karl

In Australia there are two rules. Rule one is, Karl Hornlund is God and totally sexy. Hi Erica's parents, i just want to congratulate you on managing to put up with her for 18 years. She is very nice, and she screams at me everytime i drive. Oh and Tobias I have heard alot about you. I was there when she told you off for sleeping. I'm on your side buddy sleep all you want.

Rule number two is, Nik Tee is Allah and completely hot. Anyway, Nik and Karl were wondering how you guys put up with Erica. She's crazy, really. But she's usually bearable, sometimes even nice. Hello to all Swedish people. We love you. Someday we will come visit you, but in the meantime the best we can do is shape Erica so she comes back to you in a way that is nice and pleasurable. We're trying to get rid of some of her bad habits, but she's not giving in easily. If we fail, we are sorry.

Tobias, party while she is gone. Her whip cannot reach you over the seas, make good use of your newfound freedom. Erica sends her love, as do we. Much love, the Aussie boys.

Postat av: frida eriksson

Haha, hade dom roligt ;p Vet inte om du fått mitt sms, men hoppas att du har de bra! :D Är de varmt? Kram

2009-03-16 @ 22:02:48
URL: http://friidasfoto.blogg.se/

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